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About    Us

 Jesus is Lord Ministries is a 501c3 Church and mission that Pastors Ron and Betty Huffman began in 2002 in Fort Worth Texas. Pastors Ron and Betty Huffman contribute entirely out of their own pockets to run an 83 passenger bus to pick up and bring the homeless to the Mission where they are fed and receive donated items such as clothing, blankets, shoes and toiletries as needed. Betty purchases and prepares everything for a complete hot, home cooked meal for each of them. After their meal they receive the word of God along with Praise and worship. After service is over, Pastor Ron loads them up on the bus and they are back at the shelters before closing time.  Pastor Ron has been driving the bus for 20 years since the Ministry began and pays out of pocket for fuel. Brother Danny Skead and his son, JD donate their time and resources by doing repairs to the facility and bus as needed as well as helping in any area that Pastors Ron and Betty need help with. The Mission is currently being held in a rented storefront that includes a small kitchen, small dining hall, a sanctuary, one restroom, an office and small storage room. With the amount of homeless people wanting to attend the meal and services increasing, they are quickly running out of room to adequately provide enough space to feed them all and store donated items that are greatly needed. There are also those who want to be baptised and having an actual baptistry instead of a watering trough would be a much needed convenience for everyone. Heating water and pouring it into the troth takes time and additional resources on top of the cost of keeping the water warm while services are hold with the baptisms following the services. Everyone at Jesus is Lord Ministries receives no compensation for their time, donations, meals or any other services they perform. Assistant Pastor Curtis Manning currently donates a majority of his time to help feed, clean, and minister to the homeless as needed to assist Pastors Ron and Betty. The $250,000 would go directly to the purchase of a newer, more convenient location that will not require costly monthly payments that currently come straight from Pastors Ron and Betty's personal funds and occasionally from donations received as offerings from others. It has all the amenities to properly feed, baptise, hold services and store additional donated items that benefit the homeless. After 20 years of providing for the families and individuals that are in great need, the time has come for Pastors Ron and Betty to have some help. If you are interested in helping them reach the goal of obtaining the new $250,000 facility, you may visit our donate page and clicking on one of the buttons for paypal,paypal credit or to use a debit or credit card. All donations are tax deductible. We appreciate you taking the time to read about Jesus is Lord Ministries and pray the Lord bless and keep you. We pray every donation is blessed 100 fold. If you have questions or comments please visit our contact page and you can call or email. If you have a prayer request please visit our prayer request page and fill out the form. 

Thank you, Mandi Huffman 

Some through the watersSister Willie Johnson
00:00 / 07:03
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